[HomeworldSDL] revision 486
subversion at homeworldsdl.org
Sun Jan 28 15:15:23 GMT 2007
r486 | lmop | 2007-01-28 15:15:23 +0000 (Sun, 28 Jan 2007)
Removes lots of unreferenced code from the Mission*.kas files.
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission02.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission02.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission02.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -943,7 +943,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M02_10_Intel_DefendMoShipAgain,0); // We are detecting enemy units advancing on our position. Organize a defense force to protect the Mothership.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FIDefendMothership);
TimerCreateSetStart ("FIDefendMothershipPINGTimer", 1);
@@ -1054,7 +1053,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M02_11_Intel_InvestigatePowerSource,0);
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FIInvestigateP1Mothership);
PingRemove ("ACT3FightersPING");
PingRemove ("ACT3Corvettes1PING");
@@ -1089,7 +1087,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M02_12_Intel_EnemyCarrier,0);
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FISeenP1Mothership);
PingRemove ("P1MothershipPING");
@@ -1117,7 +1114,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M02_Intel_EnemyInferior2,0); // We have determined that these enemy units are inferior to ours.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FIDestroyAllP1);
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -1131,7 +1127,6 @@
//SpeechEvent (M02_13_Intel_DestroyAllP1,0); // Commander, this race is clearly hostile. We can't allow them to secure a position in our system. I recommend that we destroy the force completely.
SpeechEvent (M02_Intel_DestroyCompletely,0); // To protect against penetration of the Kharak system, destroy the attacking force completely.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FIDestroyAllP1);
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission03.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission03.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission03.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -29,41 +29,7 @@
- LSTRING_FCFleetCommandFreaks
- "It's gone. . .Everything's gone!. . .Kharak is burning!"
- "Disparu. . . Tout a disparu !. . . Kharak est en flammes !"
- "Nichts ... Alles ist weg! ... ... Kharak steht in Flammen!"
- "Ha desaparecido. . Todo ha desaparecido. . ¡Kharak está en llamas!"
- "È perduto
Tutto è perduto! Kharak sta bruciando!"
- LSTRING_FINervousIntel
- "A-Analyzing Kharak... \nNorthern polar regions have been consumed by some kind of firestorm. All cities still burning... Average surface temperature two six four. The Scaffold has been destroyed. All orbital facilities destroyed. Significant debris ring in low Kharak orbit.\n\nReceiving no communications from anywhere in the system... Not even automated beacons."
- "Bilan de la situation à Kharak... \nRégions polaires septentrionales dévastées par tornade de flammes. Totalité zones urbaines flambe encore ... Température moyenne en surface deux soixante-quatre. Echafaud détruit. Totalité installations orbitales détruite. Anneau de débris révélateur sur orbite inférieure de Kharak.\n\nRéception nulle des communications venant d'aucun point du système... Pas même des balises autonomes."
- "Analyse von Kharak ... \nDie nördlichen Polarregionen wurden von einer Art Feuersturm vernichtet. Die Städte stehen noch immer in Flammen ... Durchschnittliche Oberflächentemperatur bei Zwo-Sechs-Vier. Die Rampe wurde zerstört. Alle Orbit-Einrichtungen vernichtet. Auffälliger Trümmerring im niedrigen Orbit um Kharak.\n\nKeinerlei Kommunikation im System zu empfangen ... Nicht einmal stationäre Signale."
- "Analizando Kharak... \nUna especie de tormenta de fuego ha destruido el polo norte. Todas las ciudades siguen ardiendo. Temperatura media de la superficie: 128 grados. El andamio ha sido destruido. Todas las instalaciones orbitales están destruidas. Considerable anillo de residuos en la órbita baja de Kharak.\n\nNo se reciben comunicaciones de ningún lugar del sistema... Ni siquiera llegan balizas automáticas."
- "A-Analisi di Kharak... \nLe regioni polari settentrionali sono state martoriate da una sorta di tempesta di fuoco. Tutte le città stanno ancora bruciando... La temperatura media della superficie è di 264 gradi. Lo Scaffold è stato distrutto. Tutti i centri orbitali sono stati distrutti. Significativi anelli di frammenti nella bassa orbita di Kharak.\n\nMancata ricezione di comunicazioni provenienti dal sistema, non ricevo nemmeno i radiofari automatici."
- LSTRING_FCFleetCommandHasHope
- "Wait! On the maintenance frequency. I'm getting a signal from the Cryogenic Tray systems in orbit. One of them is suffering a massive malfunction."
- "Attendez ! Sur la fréquence de maintenance, je reçois un signal des plates-formes cryogéniques placées sur orbite. Défaillance massive d'une des unités."
- "Moment mal! Auf der Wartungsfrequenz ... Ich fange da ein Signal von den im Orbit befindlichen Kälteschlaf-Containersystemen auf. Eines davon zeigt eine massive Fehlfunktion."
- "¡Espera! En la frecuencia de mantenimiento. Recibo una señal de los sistemas de soporte criogénico en órbita. Uno de ellos tiene graves problemas de funcionamiento."
- "Un attimo! Sulla frequenza di manutenzione... Sto ricevendo un segnale dalle Camere Criogeniche orbitali. In una di esse, si è verificato un grave guasto."
-// LSTRING_FIGoForCryos
-// "Dispatch Salvage Corvettes immediately to collect the trays and load them into the Mothership."
-// "Envoi immédiat de Corvettes de sauvetage. Mission : ramassage des plates-formes et chargement à bord du Vaisseau Mère."
-// "Schicken Sie sofort Bergungskorvetten aus, um die Container abzuholen und ins Mutterschiff zu verladen."
- // *** New, put this in **** //
- LSTRING_FIGetThoseGuys
- "The Cryo Trays are under attack. Defend them."
- "Les modules cryogéniques sont attaqués. Défendez-les"
- "Die Kälteschlaf-Container werden angegriffen. Sie müssen verteidigt werden. "
- "Están atacando los soportes criogénicos. Defiéndelos."
- "Le camere criogeniche sono sotto attacco: difendile."
- // *** New, put this in **** //
"Defend cryo trays"
"Défendre les modules cryogéniques"
@@ -71,14 +37,6 @@
"Defiende los soportes criogénicos"
"Difendi le camere criogeniche"
- // *** changed, put this in **** //
- LSTRING_FIThoseGuysAreMeanies
- "These ships are not, repeat NOT related to the hostile units we previously encountered. We must capture at least one vessel to find out who is responsible for this genocide. Intelligence is vital to our immediate survival."
- "Plates-formes cryos attaquées.\n\nPar vaisseaux non-apparentés, je souligne NON-apparentés, aux unités hostiles rencontrées précédemment. Il est nécessaire de capturer au moins une unité pour déterminer qui est responsable de ce génocide. Notre survie immédiate dépend des Renseignements."
- "Die Kälteschlaf-Container werden angegriffen.\n\nDiese Schiffe haben nichts, ich wiederhole NICHTS, mit den früher angetroffenen feindlichen Einheiten zu tun. Wir müssen wenigsten ein Schiff übernehmen, um herauszufinden, wer für diesen Genozid verantwortlich ist. Informationen sind für unser Überleben jetzt äußerst wichtig."
- "Estas naves no están, repito, no están relacionadas con las unidades hostiles encontradas anteriormente. Debemos capturar al menos una nave para descubrir al responsable de este genocidio. La inteligencia es básica para la supervivencia inmediata."
- "Queste navi non sono, ripeto, NON sono collegate alle unità ostili che abbiamo incontrato in precedenza. Dobbiamo catturare almeno un vascello per scoprire chi è il responsabile di questo genocidio. Queste informazioni sono vitali per la nostra sopravvivenza."
"Capture enemy ship using 2 Salvage Corvettes"
"Capture Unité ennemie avec 2 Corvettes de Recuperation"
@@ -86,14 +44,6 @@
"Captura la nave enemiga utilizando 2 corbetas de salvamento"
"Cattura l'astronave nemica con 2 Corvette di Recupero"
- // *** New, put this in **** //
- LSTRING_FIWeveKilledTheMeanies
- "Enemy units neutralized. Begin salvaging the cryo trays."
- "Unités ennemies neutralisées. Récupérez les modules cryogéniques."
- "Feindliche Einheiten neutralisiert. Beginnen Sie mit der Bergung der Kälteschlaf-Container."
- "Neutralizadas las unidades enemigas. Comienza el rescate de los soportes criogénicos."
- "Unità nemica neutralizzata. Comincia il recupero delle camere criogeniche."
"Salvage cryo trays"
"Sauver les plates-formes"
@@ -101,98 +51,6 @@
"Rescata los soportes criogénicos"
"Recupera le camere criogeniche"
- // *** Moved *** //
- LSTRING_FCSaveThoseCryos
- "The people in those trays are all that remain of our people. Without them, we will become extinct."
- "Les individus à bord des plates-formes sont les derniers survivants de notre espèce. S'ils disparaissent, c'est l'extinction."
- "Die Menschen in diesen Containern sind der ganze Rest unseres Volkes. Ohne sie werden wir aussterben."
- "Las personas que se encuentran en esos soportes son todo lo que queda de nuestro pueblo. Sin ellos nos extinguiremos."
- "Le persone in quelle camere criogeniche sono tutto ciò che resta della nostra razza. Senza di loro, siamo destinati all'estinzione."
- LSTRING_OBObjective2
- "Destroy remaining enemy ships"
- "Destruction reliquat flotte ennemie"
- "Verbleibende feindliche Schiffe vernichten."
- "Destruir las naves enemigas restantes"
- "Distruggi le navi nemiche restanti"
- LSTRING_FIFoundRecording
- "Hostile vessel captured. Crew interned. Interrogation will take place on a neuronic level. Subjects will not survive. While searching the enemy ship's computer systems, we came across these flight recordings."
- "Vaisseau hostile capturé. Equipage interné. Interrogatoire neurophysiologique imminent. Survie des sujets impossible. Nous sommes tombés sur ces enregistrements de vol pendant la fouille des systèmes informatiques du vaisseau ennemi."
- "Feindliches Schiff übernommen. Mannschaft gefangen genommen. Befragung wird auf neuronaler Stufe durchgeführt. Die Untersuchungsobjekte werden nicht überleben. Bei der Untersuchung der Computersysteme des feindlichen Schiffs sind wir auf folgende Flugdaten gestoßen."
- "Nave enemiga capturada. Tripulación bajo custodia. Serán sometidos a interrogatorio neuronal. No sobrevivirán. Al examinar los sistemas informáticos de la nave enemiga hemos encontrado estos cuadernos de bitácora."
- "Vascello nemico catturato, l'equipaggio è stato internato per l'interrogatorio a livello neurologico. I soggetti non sopravviveranno. Nell'esame dei computer della nave nemica, abbiamo trovato alcuni dati del registratore di volo."
- LSTRING_FITheyreBiggerThanUs
- "...Analysis of the recording indicates that the Kharak missile defenses heavily damaged the attacking fleet.\n\nHowever, we have concluded that they can still easily defeat us. Based on scanner telemetry recovered from the Khar-Selim, we have plotted a course to a deep space asteroid belt.\n\nOnce we have built a sufficient attack fleet there, we will be ready to track down the enemy and destroy them."
- "...Après examen, ces enregistrements indiquent que les batteries de missiles defensifs de Kharak ont infligé des pertes importantes à l'agresseur.\n\nMais ses forces restent bien supérieures aux nôtres. A partir des données télémétriques numérisées récupérées au Khar-Selim, nous nous sommes déterminé une trajectoire vers une ceinture d'asteroïdes lointaine.\n\nDe là, après avoir rassemblé une flotte d'attaque suffisante, nous pourrons pourchasser l'ennemi et l'anéantir."
- "... Die Analyse der Aufzeichnungen zeigen, dass die Raketenverteidigung von Kharak der angreifenden Flotte schwere Schäden zugefügt hat.\n\nTrotzdem sind wir der Überzeugung, dass der Feind uns noch immer mit Leichtigkeit besiegen kann. Basierend auf den Scanner-Telemetrie-Daten, die von der Khar-Selim geborgen wurden, haben wir einen Kurs zu einem weit entlegenen Asteroidengürtel berechnet.\n\nSobald wir dort eine genügend große Angriffsflotte gebaut haben, können wir den Feind stellen und vernichten."
- "El análisis de la grabación indica que las defensas de misiles de Kharak han provocado graves daños a la flota de ataque.\n\nSin embargo, creemos que pueden derrotarnos con facilidad. A partir de la telemetría recuperada del Khar-Selim hemos trazado un curso a un cinturón de asteroides en el espacio profundo.\n\nCuando hayamos creado una flota de ataque suficiente, estaremos preparados para seguir al enemigo y destruirlo."
- "... Le analisi dei dati indicano che le difese missilistiche di Kharak hanno inflitto pesanti danni alla flotta attaccante.\n\nPurtroppo, i nostri nemici sembrano in grado di sconfiggerci con facilità. Usando i dati delle scansioni recuperate dal Khar-Selim, abbiamo elaborato una rotta verso una cintura asteroidale nello spazio profondo.\n\nLà assembleremo una forza d'attacco sufficientemente forte da rintracciare e distruggere il nemico."
- LSTRING_FIResearchTaken
- "Our research division has analyzed the captured frigate. We have reverse engineered their drive technology and developed plans for two new ships. The Support Frigate will provide repair and refuel service to Strike Craft in the field.The Resource Controller will allow for remote collection of resources. Plans for a third vessel are underway, but first the captured Frigate's chassis must be researched."
- "La Frégate capturée a été analysée par notre service scientifique. L'inversion de leur technologie de propulsion a permis de tracer les plans de deux nouveaux vaisseaux. La Frégate d'assistance assurera la réparation et le ravitaillement des Unités légères en action. Le Contrôleur des Ressources permettra la collecte lointaine de ressources. La conception d'un troisième vaisseau continuera après l'analyse technique du châssis de la Frégate capturée."
- "Unsere Forschungsabteilung hat die erbeutete Fregatte analysiert. Wir haben die Komponenten ihrer Antriebstechnologie zurückentwickelt und mit Hilfe dieser Erkenntnisse Pläne für zwei neue Schiffe erstellt. Die Begleitfregatte wird den Kampfschiffen im Feld für Reparaturen und zur Ergänzung des Treibstoffvorrats zur Verfügung stehen. Das Rohstoffüberwachungsschiff wird das Sammeln entfernter Rohstoffe ermöglichen. Pläne für ein drittes Schiff sind in Arbeit. Aber zunächst muss das Chassis der erbeuteten Fregatte erforscht werden."
- "Nuestra división de investigación ha analizado la fragata capturada. El análisis de su tecnología de propulsión nos ha permitido elaborar planos para naves nuevas. La fragata de apoyo proporcionará servicio de reparación y reabastecimiento a las naves de ataque. El controlador de recursos permitirá recolectar recursos a distancia. Estamos trabajando en los planos de una tercera nave, pero antes hay que investigar el chasis de la fragata capturada."
- "I nostri ricercatori hanno analizzato a fondo la fregata catturata; siamo riusciti a comprendere la tecnologia dei loro motori, sviluppando dei piani per due nuove astronavi. La Fregata di Supporto, che fornirà protezione e rifornimenti ai velivoli d'assalto sul campo, e il Collettore di Risorse, che ci permetterà di raccogliere risorse a distanza. Stiamo lavorando anche su una terza astronave, ma dobbiamo ancora esaminare a fondo la struttura del vascello nemico."
- LSTRING_FCCryoSalvaged01
- "First cryo tray loaded. 100,000 colonists safely aboard the Mothership."
- "Chargement de la première plate-forme cryo accompli. 100 000 colons sont à l'abri à bord du Vaisseau Mère."
- "Erster Kälteschlaf-Container geladen. 100.000 Kolonisten sicher an Bord des Mutterschiffs."
- "Primer soporte criogénico cargado. 100.000 colonos a salvo a bordo de la Nave nodriza."
- "Prima Camera Criogenica al sicuro. 100.000 coloni sono sani e salvi a bordo dell'astronave madre."
- LSTRING_FCCryoSalvaged02
- "Second cryo tray loaded. 200,000 colonists safely aboard the Mothership."
- "Chargement de la deuxième plate-forme cryo accompli. 200,000 colons sont à l'abri à bord du Vaisseau Mère."
- "Zweiter Kälteschlaf-Container geladen. 200.000 Kolonisten sicher an Bord des Mutterschiffs."
- "Segundo soporte criogénico cargado. 200.000 colonos a salvo, a bordo de la Nave nodriza."
- "Seconda Camera Criogenica al sicuro. 200.000 coloni sono sani e salvi a bordo dell'astronave madre."
- LSTRING_FCCryoSalvaged03
- "Third cryo tray loaded. 300,000 colonists safely aboard the Mothership."
- "Chargement de la troisième plate-forme cryo accompli. 300 000 colons sont à l'abri à bord du Vaisseau Mère."
- "Dritter Kälteschlaf-Container geladen. 300.000 Kolonisten sicher an Bord des Mutterschiffs."
- "Tercer soporte criogénico cargado. 300.000 colonos a salvo a bordo de la Nave nodriza."
- "Terza Camera Criogenica al sicuro. 300.000 coloni sono sani e salvi a bordo dell'astronave madre."
- LSTRING_FCCryoSalvaged04
- "Fourth cryo tray loaded. 400,000 colonists safely aboard the Mothership."
- "Chargement de la quatrième plate-forme cryo accompli. 400 000 colons sont à l'abri à bord du Vaisseau Mère."
- "Vierter Kälteschlaf-Container geladen. 400.000 Kolonisten sicher an Bord des Mutterschiffs."
- "Cuarto soporte criogénico cargado. 400.000 colonos a salvo a bordo de la Nave nodriza."
- "Quarta Camera Criogenica al sicuro. 400.000 coloni sono sani e salvi a bordo dell'astronave madre."
- LSTRING_FCCryoSalvaged05
- "Fifth cryo tray loaded. 500,000 colonists safely aboard the Mothership."
- "Chargement de la cinquième plate-forme cryo accompli. 500,000 colons sont à l'abri à bord du Vaisseau Mère."
- "Fünfter Kälteschlaf-Container geladen. 500.000 Kolonisten sicher an Bord des Mutterschiffs."
- "Quinto soporte criogénico cargado. 500.000 colonos a salvo a bordo de la Nave nodriza."
- "Quinta Camera Criogenica al sicuro. 500.000 coloni sono sani e salvi a bordo dell'astronave madre."
- LSTRING_FIWithdrawToSalvage
- "Advise that we withdraw attack and deploy the Salvage Corvettes. We need that ship captured."
- "Communiqué : attaque interrompue et déploiement amorcé des Corvettes de sauvetage. La capture de ce vaisseau est prioritaire."
- "Wir sollten den Angriff abbrechen und die Bergungskorvetten in Marsch setzen. Wir müssen dieses Schiff übernehmen."
- "Recomendamos suspender el ataque y desplegar las corbetas de salvamento. Es necesario capturar esa nave."
- "Consiglio di sospendere l'attacco e di inviare le Corvette di Recupero. Ci serve quell'astronave."
- "We have failed. The colonits were the last of our people. Without them we will perish."
- "Echec de l'opération. Les colons étaient les derniers survivants de notre espèce. Leur disparition signifie l'extinction."
- "Wir haben versagt. Die Kolonisten waren die Letzten unseres Volkes. Ohne sie werden wir aussterben."
- "Hemos fracasado. Esos colonos eran todos los que quedaban de nuestro pueblo. Sin ellos, nos extinguiremos."
- "Abbiamo fallito. I coloni erano tutta la nostra gente rimasta, senza di loro siamo destinati a perire."
- LSTRING_FIFrigatesDiedEscaped
- "We failed to capture the enemy vessel. Without its information, we cannot proceed."
- "La capture du vaisseau ennemi a échoué. Sans l'information qu'il contient, nous restons bloqués."
- "Wir haben es nicht geschafft, das feindliche Schiff zu übernehmen. Ohne seine Informationen können wir nicht weiterarbeiten."
- "No hemos conseguido capturar la nave enemiga. Sin esa información no podemos seguir."
- "Non siamo riusciti a catturare il vascello nemico: senza la possibilità di esaminarlo non possiamo fare nulla!"
"03 - Return To Kharak"
"03 - Retour vers Kharak"
@@ -200,13 +58,6 @@
"03 - Volver a Kharak"
"03 - Ritorno a Kharak"
- LSTRING_FIWereFinished
- "Cryogenic Trays loaded. Hyperspace module charged. It's time to go after them."
- "Chargement des plates-formes cryo accompli. Module Hyperspatial activé. L'heure est venue de leur faire la chasse."
- "Kälteschlaf-Container geladen. Hypersprung-Modul aufgeladen. Es wird Zeit, dass wir die Verfolgung aufnehmen."
- "Soportes criogénicos cargados. Módulo hiperespacial cargado. Ha llegado el momento de ir tras ellos."
- "Camere Criogeniche a bordo. Modulo iperspaziale caricato. Siamo pronti a inseguirli."
@@ -485,7 +336,6 @@
ObjectiveCreate("DefendCryos", LSTRING_OBDefendCryos, "fleet intel 3.2");
// SoundEvent(262);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 7000, LSTRING_FIGetThoseGuys);
SpeechEvent(M03_Intel_DefendCryoTrays, 0);
TutSetPointerTargetShip("PunyCryoTrays", TEAMSHIPS_CryoTray10);
VarCreateSet("ObjectiveCreated", TRUE);
@@ -548,7 +398,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M03_Intel_CryotrayUnderAttack, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 9000, LSTRING_FIThoseGuysAreMeanies);
TimerCreateSetStart("Focus", 4);
@@ -610,7 +459,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M03_Intel_SalvageCryoTrays, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 7000, LSTRING_FIWeveKilledTheMeanies);
TimerCreateSetStart("Pointers", 2);
ObjectiveCreate("GoForCryos", LSTRING_OBSalvageCryos, "fleet command 3.3");
@@ -716,7 +564,6 @@
STATE WeStoleTheirTechnology
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 15000, LSTRING_FIResearchTaken);
SpeechEvent(M03_Intel_ResearchAnalyzedFrigate, 0);
@@ -729,7 +576,6 @@
STATE WithdrawToSalvage
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FIWithdrawToSalvage);
SpeechEvent(M03_Intel_DeploySalvageTeam, 0);
@@ -740,7 +586,6 @@
STATE FrigatesDiedEscaped
// SoundEvent(262);
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FIFrigatesDiedEscaped);
// SpeechEvent(M03_Intel_RecordingAnalysis, 0);
@@ -754,19 +599,14 @@
IF (VarGet("CryosSalvaged") == 1)
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 6000, LSTRING_FCCryoSalvaged01);
SpeechEvent(M03_Fleet_CryotraysLoaded100, 0);
ELSEIF (VarGet("CryosSalvaged") == 2)
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 6000, LSTRING_FCCryoSalvaged02);
SpeechEvent(M03_Fleet_CryotraysLoaded200, 0);
ELSEIF (VarGet("CryosSalvaged") == 3)
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 6000, LSTRING_FCCryoSalvaged03);
SpeechEvent(M03_Fleet_CryotraysLoaded300, 0);
ELSEIF (VarGet("CryosSalvaged") == 4)
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 6000, LSTRING_FCCryoSalvaged04);
SpeechEvent(M03_Fleet_CryotraysLoaded400, 0);
ELSEIF (VarGet("CryosSalvaged") == 5)
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 6000, LSTRING_FCCryoSalvaged05);
SpeechEvent(M03_Fleet_CryotraysLoaded500, 0);
@@ -785,7 +625,6 @@
STATE CryosDead
// SoundEvent(262);
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 10000, LSTRING_FCCryosDead);
// SpeechEvent(M03_Intel_RecordingAnalysis, 0);
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission04.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission04.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission04.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -32,13 +32,6 @@
"Comenzar recolección de recursos."
"Inizia la raccolta delle risorse."
- LSTRING_PrimaryObjective02
- "Destroy all Turanic Raider ships"
- "Destruction totalité des Vaisseaux du Maraudeur Turanique"
- "Alle Schiffe der turanischen Freibeuter sind zu zerstören."
- "Destruir todas las naves de asalto turánicas"
- "Distruggi tutte le astronavi Raider dei Turanic"
"Build and Deploy Resource Controller"
"Construction et mise en place du Contrôleur des Ressources"
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission05.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission05.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission05.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M05_Fleet_HyperspaceSuccessful, 0); // Hyperspace successful. Current position and pre-jump coordinates are in perfect alignment. We are on target.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (0, 8000, LSTRING_FCIntro); // Hyperspace successful. Current position and pre-jump coordinates are in perfect alignment. We are on target.
//TimerCreateSetStart ("FCIntroENDTimer", 8);
@@ -167,7 +166,6 @@
TimerCreateSetStart ("FISendProbePINGTimer", 7);
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (0, 18000, LSTRING_FISendProbe); // We detect large resource deposits but no vessels. It is possible that the Taiidan / Kushan could be hiding in the denser portions of the belt, which may cause interference with our sensors. Send probes to investigate. All fleet assets should be kept on alert.
VarCreateSet ("G_FleetIntelIntroHasPlayed", TRUE); // Tells other parts of the script to do stuff (create the objectives)
@@ -347,7 +345,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M05_Intel_ProfilesMatch, 0); // Ship profiles and markings match those from the recording at Kharak. There is no doubt that this is the fleet. Destroy them.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (0, 11000, LSTRING_FIEradicateEnemies); // Ship profiles and fleet icons match those from the recording at Kharak. There is no doubt that this is the fleet. Destroy them.
VarCreateSet ("G_EradicateEnemiesHasPlayed", TRUE);
Jump FIEradicateEnemiesPING;
@@ -455,7 +452,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M05_Intel_DestroyEnemyCollector,0); // Sensors indicate the enemy is harvesting resources. Destroy their collector to impair ship production.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 9000, LSTRING_FIDestroyResourcer);
VarCreateSet ("G_DestroyResourcerHasPlayed", TRUE);
PingAddShips (TEAMSHIPS_Collector, "CollectorPING");
@@ -485,7 +481,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M05_Intel_MoveAttackNEW,0); // Enemy capital ships appear to have lighter armor on the top, bottom, and rear sides. Our capital ships should be issued move orders while attacking to take advantage of this weakness.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 16000, LSTRING_FITeachMoveAttack);
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -506,7 +501,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M05_Intel_ResearchDefenseFighter,0); // The enemy is using a new Fighter class ship with strong defensive capabilities but low maneuverability. Our Research Division reports that it can produce a similar vessel. Begin Research as soon as possible.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 16000, LSTRING_FITeachDefenders);
VarCreateSet ("G_TeachDefenderEventHasPlayed", TRUE);
VarDestroy ("G_CLICK_ResearchDefenders");
@@ -576,7 +570,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M05_Intel_HyperspaceTaiidan, 0); // Kushan fleet destroyed. There's nothing left for us to return to. Our only option is to follow the path etched into the Guidestone. Finding our ancient home is our only hope now.Hyperspace coordinates locked in.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 16000, LSTRING_FIObjectivesComplete);
//TimerCreateSetStart ("FIObjectivesCompleteENDTimer", 6);
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission05_OEM.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission05_OEM.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission05_OEM.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@
- //SubtitleSimulate(0, 4000, LSTRING_FcHyperspaceSuccessful);
SpeechEvent(M05_Fleet_HyperspaceSuccessful, 0);
TimerCreateSetStart("FuckTimer", 4);
@@ -146,10 +145,8 @@
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 6000, LSTRING_FiPlasmaTech);
SpeechEvent(M05_Intel_ResearchPlasmaBomb, 0);
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 6000, LSTRING_FiIonTech);
SpeechEvent(M05_Intel_ResearchIonCannon, 0);
TimerCreateSetStart("FuckTimer", 7);
@@ -190,7 +187,6 @@
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 6000, LSTRING_FiPlanetoidHere);
SpeechEvent(M05OEM_Intel_PlanetaryDefense, 0);
TimerCreateSetStart("FuckTimer", 1);
@@ -216,7 +212,6 @@
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 7000, LSTRING_FiTuranicFleet);
SpeechEvent(M05OEM_Intel_HyperspacingIn, 0);
TimerCreateSetStart("FuckTimer", 1);
@@ -244,7 +239,6 @@
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 7000, LSTRING_FiStopCarriers);
SpeechEvent(M05OEM_Intel_DestroyCarriers, 0);
ObjectiveCreate("DestroyEnemyCarriers", LSTRING_Objective1, LSTRING_Objective1);
@@ -271,7 +265,6 @@
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 7000, LSTRING_FiPrepare);
SpeechEvent(M05OEM_Intel_PrepareForAssault, 0);
TimerCreateSetStart("FakeNISTimer", 15);
JUMP WaitForFightersLaunched;
@@ -311,7 +304,6 @@
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 8000, LSTRING_FiYouLoose);
SpeechEvent(M05OEM_Intel_MissionFailed, 0);
@@ -344,7 +336,6 @@
OpenSensors (TRUE);
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 7000, LSTRING_FiPlanetaryDefensesHere);
SpeechEvent(M05OEM_Intel_StayOutOfRange, 0);
TimerCreateSetStart("FuckTimer", 1);
@@ -385,7 +376,6 @@
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 8000, LSTRING_FiYouWin);
SpeechEvent(M05OEM_Intel_DestroyedRaiders, 0);
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission06.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission06.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission06.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M06_Fleet_HyperspaceSuccessful,0); // Hyperspace jump successful.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (0, 4000, LSTRING_FCIntro); // Hyperspace jump successful.
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -151,7 +150,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M06_Intel_AsteroidCollision,0); // We haven't cleared the asteroid field. Prepare for collisions.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (0, 8000, LSTRING_FIProtectMothership); // We haven't cleared the asteroid field. Prepare for collisions.\n\nIncoming asteroids must be destroyed before they impact with the Mothership. Concentrate fire within this collision envelope.
VarCreateSet ("G_ProtectMothershipHasPlayed", TRUE); // Tells other parts of the script to do stuff (create the objectives)
@@ -171,7 +169,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M06_Intel_DestroyAsteroids,0); // Incoming asteroids must be destroyed before they impact with the Mothership. Concentrate fire within this collision envelope.
Jump FIProtectMothershipPING;
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (0, 8000, LSTRING_FIProtectMothership); // We haven't cleared the asteroid field. Prepare for collisions.\n\nIncoming asteroids must be destroyed before they impact with the Mothership. Concentrate fire within this collision envelope.
//VarDestroy ("IntelEvent");
@@ -307,7 +304,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M06_Intel_ClearedField,0); // We've cleared the field.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 3500, LSTRING_FIClearedField);
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -329,7 +325,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M06_Intel_DetectingBentusi,0); // Detecting incoming Bentusi vessel from the clearing ahead.
MusicPlay (NISlet01);
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 3500, "Detecting incoming Bentusi vessel from the clearing ahead.");
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -356,7 +351,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M06_Traders_ComeToTrade,0); // Greetings. We have come to trade.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate (5, 3500, LSTRING_TradersHello);
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -440,7 +434,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M06_Fleet_AskTradersForInfo,0); // This is a dangerous and unpredictable region. Can you give us information that will guide us through the nebula ahead?
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate (0, 4500, LSTRING_FCGiveUsInfo);
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -463,10 +456,8 @@
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
IF (RaceOfHuman () = 0)
- //SubtitleSimulate (5, 3500, LSTRING_TradersNebulaTAIIDAN);
SpeechEvent (M06_Traders_FearNebulaKushan,0); // We hear nothing there. Even the Taiidan fear the Great Nebula. No one returns.
ELSEIF (RaceOfHuman () = 1)
- //SubtitleSimulate (5, 3500, LSTRING_TradersNebulaKUSHAN);
SpeechEvent (M06_Traders_FearNebulaTaiidan,0); // We hear nothing there. Even the Kushan fear the Great Nebula. No one returns.
@@ -490,7 +481,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M06_Intel_HyperspaceReady,0); // Hyperspace Module fully charged.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate (0, 1500, LSTRING_FIModuleCharged);
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission07.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission07.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission07.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -22,55 +22,6 @@
- LSTRING_FINebulaRich
- "The Nebula is incredibly rich in energy and resources. Energy levels are so high that our sensors are having trouble compensating.\n\nBegin harvesting the nebula while we address this problem."
- "La Nébuleuse est incroyablement riche en énergie et en ressources. Il y a de tels niveaux d'énergie que nos détecteurs peinent à compenser.\n\nCommencez la collecte dans la nébuleuse pendant que nous nous penchons sur ce problème."
- "Der Nebel ist unglaublich reich an Energie und Rohstoffen. Die Energie-Level sind so hoch, dass unsere Sensoren Probleme haben, dies zu kompensieren.\n\nBeginnen Sie mit der Rohstoffernte im Nebel, während wir uns um dieses Problem kümmern."
- "La nebulosa es muy rica en energía y recursos. Los niveles de energía son tan altos que nuestros sensores no pueden compensarlos.\n\nEmpieza a recolectar en la nebulosa mientras buscamos solución a este problema."
- "Questa nebulosa è ricchissima di energia e risorse; i livelli energetici sono così alti che i nostri sensori non riescono a calcolarli.\n\nComincia la raccolta delle risorse, mentre tentiamo di risolvere questo problema."
- LSTRING_FIUnknownContacts
- "There is a contact closing with the Mothership. Sensors instability in this region makes it difficult to identify."
- "Contact établi avec véhicule près du Vaisseau Mère, mais l'instabilité des détecteurs dans cette région rend son identification difficile."
- "Ein Kontakt nähert sich dem Mutterschiff. Die Sensor-Instabilität in dieser Region macht eine Identifikation sehr schwierig."
- "Se está cerrando un contacto con la Nave nodriza. La inestabilidad de los sensores en esta zona dificulta la identificación de ese contacto."
- "C'è un contatto in avvicinamento all'Astronave Madre. Purtroppo, i sensori sono fuori scala e non riescono a identificarlo."
- LSTRING_FIPreparingAmbassador
- "Prepare the Ambassador."
- "Préparation de l'Ambassadeur."
- "Botschafter bereitmachen."
- "Preparad al embajador."
- "Prepara l'Ambassador."
- LSTRING_FIDefendMothership
- "Delay the attacking ships while Fleet Command charges the hyperdrive module. We should have the range to jump clear of the nebula."
- "Retardez les vaisseaux agresseurs pendant que l'Amirauté charge le module d'hyperpropulsion. La portée devrait être suffisante pour nous faire bondir hors de la nébuleuse."
- "Halten Sie die angreifenden Schiffe zurück, während das Flottenkommando das Hypersprung-Modul auflädt. Unsere Reichweite sollte so groß sein, dass wir aus dem Nebel herausspringen."
- "Distrae a las naves atacantes mientras el mando de la flota carga el módulo de hiperpropulsión. Deberemos tener el alcance necesario para salir de la nebulosa."
- "Trattieni le navi nemiche mentre il Comando della Flotta carica il modulo dell'iperguida. Dovremmo essere in grado di allontanarci dalla nebulosa."
- LSTRING_FCHyperModuleCharging1
- "Hyperspace module at 35%, ready in 8 minutes."
- "Module hyperspatial à 35%, prêt dans 8 minutes."
- "Hypersprung-Modul bei 35%. Bereit in 8 Minuten."
- "Módulo hiperespacial al 35%, preparado en 8 minutos."
- "Modulo dell'Iperspazio al 35%, pronto in 8 minuti."
- LSTRING_FCHyperModuleCharging2
- "Hyperspace module at 90%, ready in 1 minute."
- "Module hyperspatial à 90%, prêt dans 1 minute."
- "Hypersprung-Modul bei 90%. Bereit in 1 Minute."
- "Módulo hiperespacial al 90%, preparado en 1 minuto."
- "Modulo dell'Iperspazio al 90%, pronto in 1 minuto."
- LSTRING_FCLetsGetOutOfHere
- "Hyperspace module fully charged. Get us out of this place."
- "Activation maximale du module hyperspatial. Sortez-nous vite d'ici."
- "Hypersprung-Modul voll aufgeladen. Nichts wie raus hier!"
- "Módulo hiperespacial completamente cargado. Vámonos de este sitio."
- "Modulo dell'Iperspazio pronto. Andiamocene da qui."
"Yes, co-ordinates set. Engage hyperdrive!"
"Oui, le cap est déterminé. Enclenchez l'hyperpropulsion!"
@@ -78,27 +29,6 @@
"Sí, coordenadas establecidas. Activar hiperpropulsión."
"Coordinate impostate: attiva l'iperguida!"
- LSTRING_FCHyperdriveFail
- "Hyperdrive jump failed! The Quantum waveform collapsed before the ship could enter hyperspace."
- "Le bond par hyperpropulsion a échoué ! Il y a eu effondrement de l'amplitude quantique avant même que le vaisseau puisse atteindre l'hyperespace. "
- "Hyperraum-Sprung fehlgeschlagen! Die Quanten-Wellenform brach zusammen, bevor das Schiff in den Hyperraum eintreten konnte."
- "Ha fallado la hiperpropulsión. La forma de onda cuántica ha colapsado antes de que la nave pudiera entrar en el hiperespacio."
- "Salto nell'Iperspazio fallito! La forma d'onda Quantum è collassata prima che la nave potesse entrare nell'Iperspazio."
- LSTRING_FIContinueProtecting
- "Analyzing malfunction. Continue to protect the Mothership until the problem is solved."
- "Analyse de la défaillance. Protection du Vaisseau Mère jusqu'à résolution du problème."
- "Fehlfunktion wird analysiert. Schützen Sie weiterhin das Mutterschiff, bis das Problem gelöst ist."
- "Analizando fallo de funcionamiento. Sigue protegiendo la Nave nodriza hasta que se resuelva el problema."
- "Stiamo analizzando il malfunzionamento: continua a proteggere l'Astronave Madre fino a quando non avremo trovato una soluzione."
- LSTRING_FINewResearch
- "We have never had to combat so many fighter craft before. Our Research division has determined that it can design a new type of Corvette specially suited to combat multiple fighters. Begin Research as soon as possible."
- "Jamais n'avons nous dû affronter autant de chasseurs. Notre Service de recherche a établi la faisabilité d'un nouveau type de Corvette adapté au combat contre de multiples chasseurs. Lancez cette recherche dès que possible."
- "Wir mussten uns noch nie so vielen Jägern gleichzeitig stellen. Unsere Forschungsabteilung hat festgestellt, dass sie einen neuen Korvettentyp entwickeln kann, der speziell für den Kampf gegen mehrere Jäger ausgelegt ist. Beginnen Sie so schnell wie möglich mit den Forschungsarbeiten."
- "Nunca habíamos tenido que enfrentarnos a tantos cazas juntos. Nuestra división de investigación ha determinado que puede diseñar un nuevo tipo de corbeta concebida especialmente para combatir a varios cazas. La investigación debe comenzar cuanto antes."
- "Non abbiamo mai dovuto combattere con così tanti caccia prima d'ora. I nostri ricercatori pensano di poter creare un nuovo tipo di Corvetta, dedicata al combattimento contro nemici multipli. Comincia le ricerche il prima possibile."
"Enemy forces are concentrating on our Resource Collectors. Allocate combat vessels to protect them."
"Les forces ennemies se concentrent sur nos Collecteurs de Ressources. Affectez des unités de combat à leur protection."
@@ -106,20 +36,6 @@
"Las fuerzas enemigas se concentran en nuestros recolectores de recursos. Asigna naves de combate a su protección."
"Le forze nemiche si stanno concentrando intorno ai nostri Collettori di Ricerca: disponi le forze in modo da proteggerli."
- LSTRING_FCHyperspaceBack
- "The Hyperdrive is back on-line."
- "L'hyperpropulsion est de nouveau opérationnelle."
- "Das Hypersprung-Aggregat ist wieder online."
- "Ya funciona la hiperpropulsión."
- "L'Iperguida è di nuovo operativa."
- "Let's put these fanatics behind us."
- "Semons ces fanatiques."
- "Nichts wie weg von diesen Irren."
- "Alejémonos de esos fanáticos."
- "Lasciamoci alle spalle questi pazzi."
@@ -321,7 +237,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Intel_HarvestNebula, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 18000, LSTRING_FINebulaRich);
ObjectiveCreate("Harvest", LSTRING_OBHarvestNebula, "fleet intel 3.2");
JUMP NullState;
@@ -368,7 +283,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Intel_AlertStatus, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 15000, LSTRING_FIUnknownContacts);
TutSetPointerTargetShipSelection("Contacts", TEAMSHIPS_P2Mothership);
PingAddShips(TEAMSHIPS_P2Mothership, "UnknownContacts");
@@ -389,7 +303,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Intel_PrepareAmbassador, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 5000, LSTRING_FIPreparingAmbassador);
IF (IntelEventEnded())
@@ -432,7 +345,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Intel_DefendMothership, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FIDefendMothership);
ObjectiveCreate("DefendFleet", LSTRING_OBDefendFleet, "fleet intel 3.2");
TimerCreateSetStart("ChargeUpTimer1", 30); //30 seconds
@@ -448,7 +360,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Fleet_Charging8Minutes, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 10000, LSTRING_FCHyperModuleCharging1);
TimerCreateSetStart("ChargeUpTimer2", 420);
@@ -463,7 +374,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Fleet_Charging1Minute, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 10000, LSTRING_FCHyperModuleCharging2);
TimerCreateSetStart("ChargeUpTimer3", 60);
@@ -479,7 +389,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Fleet_HyperspaceReady, 0);
MsgSend(TEAM_P2Mothership, "PlayerPoweredUp");
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 10000, LSTRING_FCLetsGetOutOfHere);
IF (IntelEventEnded())
@@ -496,7 +405,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Intel_EngageHyperdrive, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FIEngage);
ObjectiveSet("DefendFleet", TRUE);
ObjectiveCreate("Hyperspace", LSTRING_TBHyperspace, LSTRING_FIEngage);
@@ -515,7 +423,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Fleet_HyperdriveFailedNEW, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 10000, LSTRING_FCHyperdriveFail);
IF (IntelEventEnded())
@@ -532,7 +439,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Intel_AnalyzingField, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FIContinueProtecting);
ObjectiveCreate("DefendFleet", LSTRING_OBDefendFleet, "fleet intel 3.2");
@@ -550,7 +456,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Intel_ResearchMultigunVette, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FINewResearch);
@@ -566,7 +471,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Intel_DefendCollectors, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 10000, LSTRING_FIProtectResources);
ObjectiveCreateSecondary("ProtectResourcers", LSTRING_OBProtect, LSTRING_FIProtectResources);
@@ -613,7 +517,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Intel_FieldDisappeared, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(0, 10000, LSTRING_FCHyperspaceBack);
ObjectiveCreate("Hyperspace", LSTRING_TBHyperspace, LSTRING_FIEngage);
ObjectiveSet("DefendFleet", TRUE);
@@ -631,7 +534,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M07_Intel_HyperdriveFunctional, 0);
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FIJumpAway);
JUMP FinalState;
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission08.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission08.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission08.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -26,13 +26,6 @@
- "Something's wrong. We've been pulled out of hyperspace. We're still inside the nebula."
- "C'est pas normal. On s'est fait attirer hors de l'hyperespace. Nous sommes toujours à l'intérieur de la nébuleuse."
- "Irgendetwas stimmt nicht. Wir wurden aus dem Hyperraum herausgesogen. Und wir befinden uns noch immer innerhalb des Nebels."
- "Algo marcha mal. Hemos salido del hiperespacio. Todavía estamos en la nebulosa."
- "C'è qualcosa che non va... Siamo usciti dall'Iperspazio, ma siamo ancora all'interno della nebulosa."
"It's a trap! Sensors detect hyperspace inhibitors in a triangular formation. Even one can keep us from entering hyperspace. All of them must be destroyed. \n\nThe nebula is still scrambling our sensors but it looks like we have incoming hostiles."
"C'est un piège ! C'est en formation triangulaire que les détecteurs sont sensibles aux inhibiteurs d'hyperespace, alors qu'un seul pourrait nous en fermer l'accès. Il faut tous les détruire. \n\nLa nébuleuse continue de brouiller nos détecteurs mais des unités hostiles semblent se diriger vers nous."
@@ -40,86 +33,6 @@
"¡Es una trampa! Los sensores detectan inhibidores de hiperespacio en formación triangular. Uno solo podría impedirnos entrar en el hiperespacio. Es necesario destruirlos todos. \n\nLa nebulosa sigue provocando interferencias, pero parece que se acercan más naves enemigas."
"Siamo caduti in trappola! I sensori rivelano degli inibitori iperspaziali disposti a triangolo: ognuno di essi ci può impedire di compiere il balzo. Devi distruggerli tutti.\n\nLa nebulosa disturba ancora i nostri strumenti, ma sembra che siano in arrivo delle forze nemiche."
- LSTRING_P2LastChance
- "Again we offer you the chance to join us and live here in peace."
- "Nous renouvelons notre offre : joignez-vous à nous et vivez ici en paix."
- "Und noch einmal bieten wir euch die Gelegenheit, euch bei uns einzufügen und hier in Frieden zu leben."
- "Volvemos a brindaros la oportunidad de uniros a nosotros y vivir aquí en paz."
- "Vi offriamo ancora una volta la possibilità di unirvi a noi e di vivere qui, in pace."
- "Our future lies elsewhere, but we already have something in common. The hyperdrive technology we use is identical to yours. Our ancestors left it in a wreckage on our planet. We're on a mission to find our Homeworld."
- "Notre avenir est ailleurs, mais nous partageons désormais quelque chose : notre technologie d'hyperpropulsion est identique à la vôtre. Nos ancêtres nous l'avaient laissée dans une épave sur notre planète. Nous avons pour mission de retrouver Homeworld."
- "Unsere Zukunft liegt an anderer Stelle, aber wir haben bereits etwas gemeinsam. Die von uns verwendete Hypersprung-Technologie ist mit der eurigen identisch. Unsere Vorfahren ließen sie in einem Wrack auf unserem Planeten zurück. Wir befinden uns auf einer Mission, der Suche nach unserer Heimatwelt."
- "Nuestro futuro está en otro lugar, pero ya tenemos algo en común. La tecnología de hiperpropulsión que utilizamos es igual que la vuestra. Nuestros antepasados la dejaron cuando se vieron obligados a quedarse en nuestro planeta. Nuestra misión consiste en encontrar nuestro planeta de origen."
- "Il nostro futuro è altrove, ma abbiamo qualcosa in comune: la tecnologia dell'Iperspazio è identica alla vostra. I nostri antenati precipitarono sul nostro pianeta: noi siamo in missione per trovare il mondo natale."
- LSTRING_P2YoullFail
- "You will fail. The evil that drove us here will find and destroy you. From you they will know of us and come here. This cannot come to pass."
- "Ce sera un échec. La force maléfique qui nous a conduits ici vous pourchassera et vous anéantira. Vous leur apprendrez notre présence et ils viendront ici. Il faut absolument empêcher cela."
- "Ihr werdet versagen. Das Böse, das uns hierher trieb, wird euch aufspüren und vernichten. Über euch werden sie von uns erfahren und hierher kommen. Das darf nicht geschehen."
- "Fracasaréis. La fuerza maligna que nos ha traído aquí os buscará y os destruirá. Conocerán nuestra existencia por vosotros y vendrán aquí. No podemos permitir que eso ocurra."
- "Non ci riuscirete. Il male che ci ha costretti qui vi troverà e da voi risalirà a noi. Non possiamo permettere che ciò accada."
-// LSTRING_FCWeveGotColonists
-// "We can't live here in space, we've got to find our Homeworld. We've got thousands of colonists on board."
-// "French stuff here"
-// "German stuff here"
-// LSTRING_P2WhoCares
-// "We'll try not to harm them when we destroy you."
-// "French stuff here"
-// "German stuff here"
- LSTRING_FIAttackBegun
- "We have enemy units closing on multiple attack vectors. Engage and destroy hostiles."
- "Des unités ennemies approchent sur de multiples vecteurs d'attaque. Affrontez ces unités hostiles et détruisez-les."
- "Feindliche Einheiten kommen auf mehreren Angriffsvektoren näher. Sie sind anzugreifen und zu vernichten."
- "Tenemos unidades enemigas en varios vectores de ataque. Hay que atraerlas y destruirlas."
- "Abbiamo unità nemiche in avvicinamento da vettori multipli. Intercettale e abbattile."
- LSTRING_FINewResearchR1
- "Research Division reports it is now equipped for Drone technology. We advise commencing research immediately."
- "Le Service de recherche annonce qu'il s'est équipé pour la technologie des Drones. Nous recommandons le début immédiat des travaux de recherche."
- "Die Forschungsabteilung meldet, dass sie jetzt für die Erforschung der Drohnen-Technologie bereit ist. Wir empfehlen, mit den Forschungsarbeiten umgehend zu beginnen."
- "La división de investigación comunica que está lista para desarrollar las naves teledirigidas. Recomendamos dar comienzo a la investigación de inmediato."
- "La divisione ricerche segnala che è possibile iniziare lo studio dei Droni: ti suggeriamo di impartire immediatamente l'ordine."
- LSTRING_FINewResearchR2
- "Research Division reports it is now equipped for Defense Field technology. We advise commencing research immediately."
- "Le Service de recherche annonce qu'il s'est équipé pour la technologie des Boucliers. Nous recommandons le début immédiat des travaux de recherche."
- "Die Forschungsabteilung meldet, dass sie jetzt für die Erforschung der Abwehrschirm-Technologie bereit ist. Wir empfehlen, mit den Forschungsarbeiten umgehend zu beginnen."
- "La división de investigación comunica que está lista para desarrollar el campo de defensa. Recomendamos dar comienzo a la investigación de inmediato."
- "La divisione ricerche segnala che è possibile iniziare lo studio dello Scudo Difensivo: ti suggeriamo di impartire immediatamente l'ordine."
- LSTRING_FIEnemyGoingHere
- "Enemy vessels retreating to this point. This reading has been consistent despite sensor interference. It has a friendly signature but none of our ships are in that area."
- "La retraite des vaisseaux ennemis converge vers ce point, une indication répétée des instruments malgré les interférences qui affectent les détecteurs.C'est en domaine allié mais aucun de nos vaisseaux n'est dans le secteur."
- "Feindliche Schiffe ziehen sich zu diesem Punkt zurück. Dieser Wert ist trotz der Sensor-Störungen konstant geblieben. Die Signatur könnte von einem unsrer eigenen Schiffe stammen, aber zur Zeit befindet sich keines unserer Schiffe in diesem Gebiet."
- "Las naves enemigas se retiran a este punto. La lectura es constante a pesar de las interferencias. Por su frecuencia, no parece una nave enemiga, pero no tenemos naves en esa zona."
- "I vascelli nemici si stanno ritirando verso questa posizione, dove abbiamo rilevato qualcosa (nonostante le interferenze). Il segnale risulta amico, ma non ci sono nostre astronavi in quella zona."
- LSTRING_FCJustLikeKharToba
- "It looks just like the Khar-Toba."
- "C'est tout le portrait du Khar-Toba."
- "Sieht genau wie die Khar-Toba aus."
- "Tiene el mismo aspecto que Khar-Toba."
- "Sembra proprio la Khar-Toba."
- LSTRING_FIYeahYoureRight
- "Metallurgy and structural composition are an identical match to the Khar-Toba wreckage on Kharak."
- "La composition métallique et l'organisation structurelle sont identiques à celles de l'épave du Khar-Toba sur Kharak."
- "Metallurgie- und Struktur-Zusammensetzung ist identisch mit der des Wracks der Khar-Toba auf Kharak."
- "La composición metalúrgica y la estructura son idénticas a las de las ruinas de Khar-Toba, en Kharak."
- "La struttura e i metalli corrispondono perfettamente al relitto della Khar-Toba su Kharak."
- "We are brothers."
- "Nous sommes frères."
- "Wir sind Brüder."
- "Somos hermanos."
- "Siamo fratelli."
"The inhibitor field has ceased. Hyperspace module back on-line."
"Le champ inhibiteur s'est désactivé. Le module hyperspatial est opérationnel."
@@ -127,12 +40,6 @@
"Se ha disipado el campo inhibidor. Ya funciona el módulo hiperespacial."
"Campo inibitore disattivato, il modulo dell'Iperspazio ha ripreso a funzionare."
-// LSTRING_FleetIntelIntro
-// "Enemy fleet in immediate proximity. Recommend defense."
-// "French version of Mission8 Fleet Intel intro goes here"
-// "German version of Mission8 Fleet Intel intro goes here"
"Destroy Hyperspace Inhibitors"
"Détruire les inhibiteurs d'hyperespace"
@@ -147,30 +54,6 @@
"Destruye a los atacantes"
"Distruggi gli attaccanti"
- LSTRING_ObjectiveMain
- "Protect the Mothership"
- "Protection du Vaisseau Mère."
- "Das Mutterschiff schützen."
- "Proteger la Nave nodriza"
- "Proteggi l'Astronave Madre"
- LSTRING_Objective2
- "Destroy Swarmer Mothership"
- "Anéantir Vaisseau Mère essaimeur."
- "Das Schwärmer-Mutterschiff zerstören."
- "Destruir Nave nodriza de colmena"
- "Distruggi la Nave Madre Swarmer"
-// LSTRING_DestroyMsIntel
-// "Enemy Mothership within Range and closing. Recommend Elimination."
-// "French version of Fleet Intel update goes here"
-// "German version of Fleet Intel update goes here"
-// LSTRING_KickedAss
-// "The Mothership has been protected and the ememy threat has been eliminated."
-// "French version of Fleet Intel update goes here"
-// "German version of Fleet Intel update goes here"
@@ -505,7 +388,6 @@
STATE YoullFail
SpeechEvent(M08_P2_YouWillFail, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(6, 8000, LSTRING_P2YoullFail);
IF (!VarGet("SkipCancelFocus") &&
@@ -521,38 +403,6 @@
- // Events: WeveGotColonists
- // Fleet command points out colonists
-// STATE WeveGotColonists
-// INIT
-// SoundEvent(262);
-// SpeechEvent(1700, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 10000, LSTRING_FCWeveGotColonists);
-// IF (IntelEventEnded())
-// JUMP WhoCares;
-// ENDSTATE WeveGotColonists
- //---------------------------
- // Events: WhoCares
- // Swarmers don't care about colonists
-// STATE WhoCares
-// INIT
-// SoundEvent(262);
-// SpeechEvent(1700, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 6000, LSTRING_P2WhoCares);
-// IF (IntelEventEnded())
-// JUMP AttackBegun;
-// ENDSTATE WhoCares
- //---------------------------
// Events: AttackBegunDelay
// Delays the attack begun event
STATE AttackBegunDelay
@@ -582,10 +432,7 @@
SpeechEvent(M08_Intel_DestroyHostilesNEW, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 9000, LSTRING_FIAttackBegun);
ObjectiveCreate("DestroyAtt", LSTRING_OBDestroyAttackers, LSTRING_FIIndeed);
-// wideScreenOut(30);
-//sensors manager?
IF (IntelEventEnded())
@@ -602,10 +449,8 @@
IF (RaceOfHuman())
SpeechEvent(M08_Intel_ResearchDefenseField, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FINewResearchR2);
SpeechEvent(M08_Intel_ResearchDrones, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(4, 10000, LSTRING_FINewResearchR1);
@@ -638,8 +483,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M08_Intel_EnemyRetreating, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 12000, LSTRING_FIEnemyGoingHere);
-// TutSetPointerTargetShipSelection("Moship", TEAMSHIPS_MsgSender);
PingAddPoint(POINT_GhostshipPointy, "Ghostship");
TimerCreateSetStart("PointerSwitch", 2);
TimerCreateSetStart("MoShipPointerKill", 3);
@@ -684,9 +527,7 @@
STATE JustLikeKharToba
SpeechEvent(M08_Fleet_ItsTheKharToba, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 5000, LSTRING_FCJustLikeKharToba);
- TutCameraFocusDerelictType("PrisonShipOld");
IF (IntelEventEnded())
@@ -701,7 +542,6 @@
STATE YeahYoureRight
SpeechEvent(M08_Intel_IdenticalToKharToba, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 10000, LSTRING_FIYeahYoureRight);
IF (IntelEventEnded())
@@ -709,38 +549,18 @@
- tutCameraFocusCancel();
-// JUMP TheyreUs;
JUMP NullState;
ENDSTATE YeahYoureRight
- // Events: TheyreUs
- // Fleet command realizes how bad it really was...
-// STATE TheyreUs
-// INIT
-// SoundEvent(262);
-// SpeechEvent(M08_Fleet_WeAreBrothers, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 4000, LSTRING_FCTheyreUs);
-// IF (IntelEventEnded())
-// WideScreenOut(90);
-// JUMP NullState;
-// ENDSTATE TheyreUs
- //---------------------------
// Events: WeCanLeave
// Motherships are dead, we can take off
STATE WeCanLeave
SpeechEvent(M08_Intel_InhibitorCeased, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 8000, LSTRING_FIWeCanLeave);
ObjectiveCreate("Hyperspace", LSTRING_TBHyperspace, LSTRING_FIWeCanLeave);
ObjectiveSet("DestroyP2", TRUE);
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission09.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission09.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission09.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -147,7 +147,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M09_Traders_CouldNotApproach, 0);
- //SubtitleSimulate(5, 6000, LSTRING_InfoExchange);
IF (IntelEventEnded())
@@ -159,7 +158,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M09_Traders_ExchangeInfo, 0);
- //SubtitleSimulate(5, 6000, LSTRING_InfoExchange);
IF (IntelEventEnded())
@@ -310,7 +308,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M09_Intel_VesselDetected, 0);
- //SubtitleSimulate(0, 5000, LSTRING_FIPingGS);
TimerCreateSetStart("FISeTimer", 1);
@@ -411,7 +408,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M09_Intel_ControlField, 0);
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 5000, LSTRING_FIYoureStupid);
TimerCreateSetStart("FIYoureStupidSeTimer", 1);
@@ -545,7 +541,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M09_Intel_LostControl,0);
- //SubtitleSimulate(4, 5000, LSTRING_FIControlField);
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission10.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission10.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission10.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -1741,7 +1741,6 @@
IFONCE ((ObjectiveGet("DestroyResearchOutpost")=TRUE) AND (ObjectiveGet("DestroyDefenceForces")=TRUE) AND (ObjectiveGet("DestroyEnemyCarrier")=TRUE))
- //SubtitleSimulate(0, 8000, LSTRING_YoureDone);
SpeechEvent(M10_Intel_HyperspaceReady, 0);
ObjectiveCreate("Hyperspace", LSTRING_Hyperspace, LSTRING_Hyperspace);
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission11.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission11.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission11.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@
SpeechEvent ( M11_Fleet_HyperspaceDisengaged, 0); // Hyperdrive disengaged. The Bentusi are here. They're in distress.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (0, 4000, LSTRING_FCIntro); // Hyperdrive disengaged. The Bentusi are here. They're in distress.
//TimerCreateSetStart ("FCIntroENDTimer", 8);
@@ -107,11 +106,9 @@
IF (RaceOfHuman () = 0) // If the player is Kushan
SpeechEvent (M11_Intel_DestroyEnemyKushan, 0); // The Bentusi must be protected. Draw the Taiidan fleet away and destroy them.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 4000, LSTRING_FIDestroyTaiidan); // The Bentusi must be protected. Draw the Taiidan fleet away and destroy them.
ELSEIF (RaceOfHuman () = 1) // If the player is Taiidan
SpeechEvent ( M11_Intel_DestroyEnemyTaiidan, 0); // The Bentusi must be protected. Draw the Kushan fleet away and destroy them.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 4000, LSTRING_FIDestroyKushan); // The Bentusi must be protected. Draw the Kushan fleet away and destroy them.
@@ -158,7 +155,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M11_Traders_BetusiInDebt, 0); // For the first time in Memory, the Bentusi are in the debt of another.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (5, 4000, LSTRING_TradersThanks); // For the first time in Memory, the Bentusi are in the debt of another.
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -233,7 +229,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M11_Traders_ReachHomeworld, 0); // Reach your Homeworld. Establish your claim. We will summon the Council.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (5, 4000, LSTRING_TradersCouncilComin); // Reach your Homeworld. Establish your claim. We will summon the Council.
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -260,7 +255,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M11_Intel_EngageHyperdrive, 0); // Engage Hyperdrive.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 4000, LSTRING_FIEngageHyperdrive); // Engage Hyperdrive.
VarCreateSet ("G_MissionComplete", TRUE);
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission12.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission12.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission12.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M12_Fleet_HyperspaceDisengaged, 0); // Dropping out of hyperspace. All systems online.
VarCreateSet ("G_GoGravWells", TRUE);
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (0, 4000, LSTRING_FCIntro); // Dropping out of hyperspace. All systems online.
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -117,7 +116,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M12_Intel_DestroyGravWell, 0); // We are caught in a gravity well. Fighters and Corvettes will be unable to move. Seek out the source of this field and destroy it.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 4000, LSTRING_FICaughtInField); // We are caught in a gravity well. Fighters and Corvettes will be unable to move. Seek out the source of this field and destroy it.
MusicPlay (B04_EvilEmpire);
@@ -186,7 +184,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M12_Intel_ResearchMissleDestroyer, 0);
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 6000, LSTRING_FIMissileTechReady); // The enemy is using a Missile Destroyer. Research Division reports it can produce a similar ship. We advise commencing research immediately.
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -212,10 +209,8 @@
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
IF (RaceOfHuman () = 0)
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 6000, LSTRING_FINewFighterTechKushan); // Research Division reports it is now equipped for Cloaked Fighter technology. We advise commencing research immediately.
SpeechEvent (M12_Intel_ResearchCloadkedFighter, 0); // Research Division reports it is now equipped for Cloaked Fighter technology. We advise commencing research immediately.
ELSEIF (RaceOfHuman () = 1)
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 6000, LSTRING_FINewFighterTechTaiidan); // Research Division reports it is now equipped for Defense Fighter technology. We advise commencing research immediately.
SpeechEvent (M12_Intel_ResearchDefenseFighter, 0); // Research Division reports it is now equipped for Defense Fighter technology. We advise commencing research immediately.
@@ -265,10 +260,8 @@
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
TimerCreateSetStart ("G_StayFocusedOnDefector", 6);
IF (RaceOfHuman () = 0)
- //SubtitleSimulate (9, 12000, LSTRING_DefectorHelpMeKushan); // Attention Kushan Mothership! ....
SpeechEvent (M12_Defector_DefectingKushan, 0); // Attention Kushan Mothership! ....
ELSEIF (RaceOfHuman () = 1)
- //SubtitleSimulate (9, 12000, LSTRING_DefectorHelpMeTaiidan); // Attention Taiidan Mothership! ....
SpeechEvent (M12_Defector_DefectingTaiidan, 0); // Attention Kushan Mothership! ....
@@ -333,7 +326,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M12_Intel_ProtectDefector, 0); // This could be a trap but the Kapella is clearly damaged. Engage the pursuing fleet and draw it away from the defecting ship.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 6000, LSTRING_FIHelpDefector); // This could be a trap but the Kapella is clearly damaged. Engage the pursuing fleet and draw it away from the defecting ship.
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -362,7 +354,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M12_Intel_EngageHyperdrive, 0); // The defecting captain has been brought aboard. Engage hyperspace.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 4000, LSTRING_FIDefectorOnBoard); // The defecting captain has been brought aboard. Engage hyperspace.
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission13.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission13.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission13.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -40,13 +40,6 @@
"Acoplar nave de ataque a relé de comunicaciones"
"Attracca con la nave d'assalto al ripetitore di comunicazione"
- LSTRING_HyperSpaceEnabled
- "Hyperspace Enabled."
- "Hyperespace actif."
- "Hypersprung-Aggregat eingeschaltet."
- "Hiperespacio activado."
- "Iperspazio attivato."
@@ -126,7 +119,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M13_Intel_CommunicationRelay, 0);
- //SubtitleSimulate(0, 6000, LSTRING_FiIntro);
ObjectiveCreate("EstablishCommunicationsLink", LSTRING_Objective1, LSTRING_Objective1);
TimerCreateSetStart("FISeTimer", 1);
@@ -211,7 +203,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M13_Intel_CapShipLost, 0);
- //SubtitleSimulate(0, 6000, LSTRING_FiLost);
TimerCreateSetStart("FISeTimer", 1);
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission14.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission14.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission14.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M14_Fleet_HyperspaceDisengaged, 0); // Hyperspace successful. We are at the edge of the Homeworld system.
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (0, 4000, LSTRING_FCIntro); // Hyperspace successful. We are at the edge of the Homeworld system.
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -122,7 +121,6 @@
IF (TimerExpiredDestroy ("FIDestroyGennyTimer"))
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 6000, LSTRING_FIDestroyGenny); // Elson's information was correct. This is the field generator. We must destroy it.
Jump FIDestroyGennyPING;
@@ -206,7 +204,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M14_Intel_ResearchSensors,0); // Research Division reports advancements in sensor fidelity which would allow us to determine the location of enemy ships. We advise commencing research immediately.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 11000, LSTRING_FISensorTech); // Research Division reports advancements in sensor fidelity which would allow us to determine the location of enemy ships. We advise commencing research immediately.
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -254,7 +251,6 @@
IF (TimerExpiredDestroy ("FIDestroyGatesTimer"))
//SoundEvent (4000); // #define Exp_DestProjectileLarge
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 6000, LSTRING_FIDestroyGates); // The enemy has activated several standing hyperspace gates. Destroy the gates to prevent enemy reinforcement.
Jump FIDestroyGatesPING;
@@ -344,7 +340,6 @@
SpeechEvent (M14_Intel_HyperdriveOnline,0);
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 7000, LSTRING_FIHyperdriveOnline); // The field surrounding the Homeworld system has been shut down. Hyperdrive on-line.
IF (IntelEventEnded ())
@@ -368,7 +363,6 @@
//SpeechEvent (M14_Fleet_TakeUsHome, 0); // Take us home.
//SoundEvent (271); // Play a sound event to notify the player that a subtitle is up
- //SubtitleSimulate (4, 11000, LSTRING_FCTakeUsHome); // Take us home.
//IF (IntelEventEnded ())
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission16.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission16.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/SinglePlayer/Mission16.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -33,48 +33,6 @@
"Hemos perdido Karan. El mando de la flota ha desaparecido. Los equipos biotécnicos de emergencia intentan mantenerla con vida."
"Abbiamo perso Karan, il comando della flotta è stato distrutto. Delle squadre biotecnologiche d'emergenza stanno cercando di tenerla in vita."
- "The collision asteroid must have served its purpose as a delay tactic. There is a large number of Taiidan ships located here.\n\nA Mothership-class vessel is among them.\n\nAll of these forces must be destroyed. Good luck."
- "Le choc avec l'asteroïde devait être efficace comme moyen dilatoire. Un nombre important de vaisseaux Taiidan est basé ici.\n\nEt parmi eux une unité de type Vaisseau Mère.\n\nCes forces doivent être détruites dans leur intégralité. Bonne chance."
- "Der Kollisionsasteroid dürfte seinen Zweck als Hinhaltetaktik erfüllt haben. Es befinden sich viele Taiidan-Schiffe an dieser Stelle.\n\nDarunter ist auch ein Schiff der Mutterschiff-Klasse.\n\nDiese Streitkräfte müssen ausnahmslos alle vernichtet werden. Viel Glück."
- "El asteroide ha cumplido su misión como táctica de distracción. Hay muchas naves taiidanas aquí.\n\nEntre ellas hay una de la clase Nave nodriza.\n\nEs necesario destruir todas sus fuerzas. ¡Suerte!"
- "L'asteroide è servito ai nostri nemici per prendere tempo. C'è una grossa flotta di Taiidan in zona.\n\nComprende anche una Nave Madre.\n\nDevi distruggere tutte le forze nemiche, buona fortuna."
- "The collision asteroid must have served its purpose as a delay tactic. There is a large number of Kushan ships located here.\n\nA Mothership-class vessel is among them.\n\nAll of these forces must be destroyed. Good luck."
- "Le choc avec l'asteroïde devait être efficace comme moyen dilatoire. Un nombre important de vaisseaux Kushan est basé ici.\n\nEt parmi eux une unité de type Vaisseau Mère.\n\nCes forces doivent être détruites dans leur intégralité. Bonne chance."
- "Der Kollisionsasteroid dürfte seinen Zweck als Hinhaltetaktik erfüllt haben. Es befinden sich viele Kushan-Schiffe an dieser Stelle.\n\nDarunter ist auch ein Schiff der Mutterschiff-Klasse.\n\nDiese Streitkräfte müssen ausnahmslos alle vernichtet werden. Viel Glück."
- "El asteroide ha cumplido su misión como táctica de distracción. Hay muchas naves kushanas aquí.\n\nEntre ellas hay una de la clase Nave nodriza.\n\nEs necesario destruir todas sus fuerzas. ¡Suerte!"
- "L'asteroide è servito ai nostri nemici per prendere tempo. C'è una grossa flotta di Kushan in zona.\n\nComprende anche una Nave Madre.\n\nDevi distruggere tutte le forze nemiche, buona fortuna."
- LSTRING_FIReinforcements
- "Enemy reinforcements emerging from hyperspace."
- "Des renforts ennemis surgissent de l' hyperespace."
- "Feindliche Verstärkung aus dem Hyperraum eingetroffen."
- "El enemigo recibe refuerzos desde el hiperespacio."
- "Dei rinforzi nemici sono appena usciti dall'Iperspazio."
- LSTRING_FIOverwhelmed
- "Another fleet is coming out of Hyperspace right on top of us. We are being overwhelmed!"
- "Une nouvelle flotte sort de l'Hyperespace juste au-dessus de nous. Nous sommes submergés !"
- "Direkt vor uns kommt eine weitere Flotte aus dem Hyperraum. Wir sind hoffnungslos in Unterzahl!"
- "Otra flota está saliendo del hiperespacio justo encima de nosotros. Nos superan en número."
- "Una nuova flotta è uscita dall'Iperspazio proprio di fronte a noi. Sono troppi!"
- LSTRING_DEYayImHereButHurtR1
- "This is Captain Elson. We have been battling reinforcement fleets to get here and have lost many ships already.\n\nThe Emperor's flagship is here. Together we can defeat him and the Taiidan fleet. I am placing squadrons Cor and Jasah under your command."
- "Ici le Capitaine Elson. Nous avons dû nous battre contre les flottes de renfort pour arriver ici et nous avons perdu de nombreux vaisseaux.\n\nLe vaisseau-amiral de l'Empereur est ici. Groupés, la victoire contre lui et la flotte Taiidan est à notre portée. Je vous confie le commandement des escadrons Cor et Jasah."
- "Hier spricht Captain Elson. Wir haben uns mit Verstärkungsflotten herumgeschlagen, um hierher zu gelangen, und bereits viele Schiffe verloren.\n\nDas Flaggschiff des Imperators ist hier. Gemeinsam können wir sowohl ihn als auch die Taiidan-Flotte vernichten. Ich unterstelle die Geschwader Cor und Jasah eurem Kommando."
- "Aquí el Capitán Elson. Hemos combatido contra flotas de refuerzo para llegar hasta aquí y ya hemos perdido muchas naves.\n\nLa nave insignia del Emperador está aquí. Juntos lo derrotaremos, a él y a la flota taiidana. Pongo los escuadrones Cor y Jasah bajo tu mando."
- "Parla il Capitano Elson: abbiamo dovuto combattere con i rinforzi nemici per arrivare qui, e abbiamo già subito molte perdite.\n\nL'Ammiraglia dell'Imperatore è qui: insieme potremo distruggerla, e anche la flotta di Taiidan. Sto trasferendo sotto il tuo comando gli squadroni Cor e Jasah."
- LSTRING_DEYayImHereButHurtR2
- "This is Captain Elson. We have been battling reinforcement fleets to get here and have lost many ships already.\n\nThe Emperor's flagship is here. Together we can defeat him and the Kushan fleet. I am placing squadrons Cor and Jasah under your command."
- "Ici le Capitaine Elson. Nous avons dû nous battre contre les flottes de renfort pour arriver ici et nous avons perdu de nombreux vaisseaux.\n\nLe vaisseau-amiral de l'Empereur est ici. Groupés, la victoire contre lui et la flotte Kushan est à notre portée. Je vous confie le commandement des escadrons Cor et Jasah."
- "Hier spricht Captain Elson. Wir haben uns mit Verstärkungsflotten herumgeschlagen, um hierher zu gelangen, und bereits viele Schiffe verloren.\n\nDas Flaggschiff des Imperators ist hier. Gemeinsam können wir sowohl ihn als auch die Kushan-Flotte vernichten. Ich unterstelle die Geschwader Cor und Jasah eurem Kommando."
- "Aquí el Capitán Elson. Hemos combatido contra flotas de refuerzo para llegar hasta aquí y ya hemos perdido muchas naves.\n\nLa nave insignia del Emperador está aquí. Juntos lo derrotaremos, a él y a la flota kushana. Pongo los escuadrones Cor y Jasah bajo tu mando."
- "Parla il Capitano Elson: abbiamo dovuto combattere con i rinforzi nemici per arrivare qui, e abbiamo già subito molte perdite.\n\nL'Ammiraglia dell'Imperatore è qui: insieme potremo distruggerla, e anche la flotta di Taiidan. Sto trasferendo sotto il tuo comando gli squadroni Cor e Jasah."
"Here is the Emperor's flagship. It must be destroyed."
"Voici le vaisseau-amiral de l'Empereur. Sa destruction est impérative."
@@ -82,21 +40,6 @@
"Aquí está la nave insignia del Emperador. Es necesario destruirla."
"Ecco l'Ammiraglia dell'Imperatore... Deve essere distrutta."
- "...Fleet Command back online. The Emperor is gone."
- "
Amirauté de retour. C'est fini pour l'Empereur."
- "... Flottenkommando ist wieder online. Der Imperator wurde vernichtet."
- "...El mando de la flota vuelve a estar operativo. El Emperador ha desaparecido."
- "
Il comando della flotta è di nuovo operativo. L'Imperatore è andato."
- LSTRING_BTCouncilHere
- "We have brought the Council. This war is over."
- "Le Conseil est venu avec nous. Cette guerre est terminée."
- "Wir haben den Rat zusammengeholt. Dieser Krieg ist vorbei."
- "Hemos llegado a un acuerdo. La guerra ha terminado."
- "Abbiamo riportato il Concilio. La guerra è finita."
"Eradicate Enemy Forces"
"Éradiquer Forces Ennemies"
@@ -111,13 +54,6 @@
"Destruye la nave insignia del Emperador"
"Distruggi l'ammiraglia dell'Imperatore"
- LSTRING_Objective1
- "Destroy ALL SHIPS!"
- "Détruisez tous les ennemis!"
- "ALLE SCHIFFE vernichten!"
- "¡Destruye TODAS LAS NAVES!"
- "Distruggi TUTTE LE ASTRONAVI!!!!"
"16 - Hiigara"
"16 - Hiigara"
@@ -272,7 +208,6 @@
STATE KaranMindControlled
SpeechEvent(M16_Intel_LostKaran, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 7000, LSTRING_FIKaranMindControlled);
ObjectiveCreate("Eradicate", LSTRING_OBEradicate, LSTRING_FIKaranMindControlled);
@@ -296,10 +231,8 @@
IF (RaceOfHuman())
SpeechEvent(M16_Intel_CollisionAsteroidTaiidan, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 7000, LSTRING_FIOhBoyHereWeGoR2);
SpeechEvent(M16_Intel_CollisionAsteroidKushan, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 7000, LSTRING_FIOhBoyHereWeGoR1);
@@ -367,7 +300,6 @@
STATE Reinforcements
SpeechEvent(M16_Intel_EnemyReinforcements, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 7000, LSTRING_FIReinforcements);
TutSetPointerTargetShip("Reinforcements", SHIPS_Reinforcements);
@@ -393,7 +325,6 @@
STATE Overwhelmed
SpeechEvent(M16_Intel_AnotherFleet, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 7000, LSTRING_FIOverwhelmed);
IF (IntelEventEnded())
@@ -495,7 +426,6 @@
STATE HereIsMothership
SpeechEvent(M16_Intel_DestroyFlagship, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 7000, LSTRING_FIHereIsMothership);
ObjectiveCreate("Flagship", LSTRING_OBKillMothership, LSTRING_FIHereIsMothership);
TutSetPointerTargetShip("Flag", TEAMSHIPS_ImperialFlagShip);
PingAddShips(TEAMSHIPS_ImperialFlagShip, "Moship");
@@ -542,7 +472,6 @@
SpeechEvent(M16_Fleet_BackOnline, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 7000, LSTRING_FCHoneyImHome);
IF (IntelEventEnded())
@@ -571,7 +500,6 @@
STATE CouncilHere
SpeechEvent(M16_Traders_BroughtTheCouncil, 0);
-// SubtitleSimulate(1, 7000, LSTRING_BTCouncilHere);
IF (TimerExpiredDestroy("CouncilFocusTimer2"))
Modified: homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/Tutorials/Tutorial1.kas
--- homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/Tutorials/Tutorial1.kas 2007-01-28 14:20:28 UTC (rev 485)
+++ homeworld/trunk/src/Missions/Tutorials/Tutorial1.kas 2007-01-28 15:15:23 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -22,11 +22,6 @@
"Benvenuto nelle missioni di addestramento di Homeworld. Qui ti insegneremo tutto ciò che ti serve per giocare a Homeworld. \nCominciamo! \nClicca col sinistro sul pulsante &A&v&a&n&t&i per procedere."
-// LSTRING_Intro2
-// "The ship on your screen is the Mothership. It is your most important ship - it can build every ship in the game except for another Mothership. Click on the Next button to continue."
-// "French stuff here"
-// "German stuff here"
//Lesson 1: Using the Camera
//**** this string does not get recorded ****
@@ -61,21 +56,6 @@
"Per passare al prossimo esercizio, fai ruotare la telecamera di 180 gradi intorno all'Astronave Madre."
-// LSTRING_CameraMoveLeftFailed
-// "You are rotating the camera to the right. Left is the other way. Click Next to try it again."
-// "French stuff here"
-// "German stuff here"
-// LSTRING_CameraMoveRight
-// "Excellent. Now rotate the camera 180 degrees to the right."
-// "French stuff here"
-// "German stuff here"
-// LSTRING_CameraMoveRightFailed
-// "You are rotating the camera to the left. Right is the other way. This can't be that difficult. Click Next to try it again."
-// "French stuff here"
-// "German stuff here"
"Next rotate the camera upward to view the Mothership from above."
"Puis déplacez-la vers le haut pour obtenir une vue plongeante sur le Vaisseau Mère."
@@ -97,17 +77,6 @@
"¡Excelente! Vuelve a poner la cámara horizontal. Después te enseñaremos a acercar y alejar el zoom."
"Ottimo! Riporta la telecamera sul piano orizzontale, poi ti mostrerò come usare lo zoom."
-// LSTRING_SaveCameraZoom
-// "Zooming the Camera"
-// "French stuff here"
-// "German stuff here"
-// LSTRING_CameraZoomIntro
-// "Perfect. Now I'll show you how to zoom the camera in and out. This is very useful when trying to select ships, view battles, or get an overview of your situation in the game."
-// "French stuff here"
-// "German stuff here"
"To zoom in or out, hold both mouse buttons and drag the mouse up or down. If your mouse has a wheel, you can use the wheel to zoom as well.\n\nClick &N&e&x&t to continue."
"Pour faire un zoom avant ou arrière, maintenez les deux boutons de la souris enfoncés et faites glisser la souris vers le haut ou vers le bas. Si votre souris possède une molette, vous pouvez aussi l'utiliser pour les zooms.\n\nPour continuer, cliquez sur &S&u&i&v&a&n&t."
@@ -136,14 +105,6 @@
"Excelente. Desde aquí tienes un buen primer plano de la acción.\n\nPractica con el zoom y el giro de la cámara.\n\nCuando estés listo para continuar, haz clic en &S&i&g&u&i&e&n&t&e."
"Eccellente, da qui hai una vista ravvicinata di tutto quello che succede.\n\nFai pratica con lo zoom.\n\nQuando sei pronto a procedere, clicca sul pulsante &A&v&a&n&t&i."
- //**** this string does not get recorded ****
- LSTRING_TaskbarSave
- "The Taskbar"
- "La Barre de tâches"
- "Die Taskleiste"
- "La barra de tareas"
- "La barra delle applicazioni."
"Lesson 2: Building Ships\n\nClick &N&e&x&t to begin."
"Leçon N° 2 : Construction de vaisseaux\n\nPour commencer, cliquez sur &S&u&i&v&a&n&t."
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